Having a healthy lifestyle is very important for human beings. Due to this reason, several people try out the best diet plans to lose or maintain their weight. But this is not enough! In order to stay fit with all our body parts functioning properly, positive lifestyle choices need to be made early on. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for the majority of us. Most people get caught up in their busy work schedules and personal issues that concentrating on their lifestyle takes a back seat. It’s particularly important to understand that after reaching a certain age, you simply cannot risk deteriorating your health because of the incorrect lifestyle choices you are making.
If you observe the current scenario, a growing cause of concern today for a lot of people is their belly fat. Why so? This is because of all the poor lifestyle choices they are making. A routine with little to no body movement or unhealthy eating habits are the two major causes that contribute to an increase in a person’s belly. The famous ‘paunch’ or protruding belly appears in an individual’s body when there is excess fat accumulating in the abdomen area. For this, you can either try out exercises for reducing belly fat at home or join a fitness centre near you.
In this post, we will talk about how to reduce belly fat and weight loss tips. But before that, we will understand the need to be fit and healthy. Let’s begin:
Why is Staying Healthy Important for You?
In the daily challenges of life, people tend to neglect their health and well-being in order to fulfil their duties. However, staying fit is very important so that your mind and body can be attuned to each other at all times. Maintaining a balance between your physical and mental health can be done by every individual by inculcating positive lifestyle habits in her/his everyday routine. Besides this, staying healthy also promotes less contraction of diseases such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, early ageing and the like. When it comes to finding the best ways to lose belly fat, you should realise that it will improve your overall health too.
5 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat
Cult.fit believes in empowering individuals who are serious about making themselves healthy. For this purpose, we have curated a list of exercises for reducing belly fat that you can do at home. Read on to learn more:
Side Leg Raise
It is important to realise that the role of your legs in reducing belly fat cannot be underestimated. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, it is wise to start with something simple like a side leg raise! Holding a chair or table, you have to lift one leg up on the side for one to two seconds. Now, the other leg should be lifted on the side and paused for the same time duration. Alternating both legs five times will strengthen your legs, glutes, and lower back.
5-minute exercises such as plank can not only flatten your belly but also help strengthen your core and improve body equilibrium drastically. In a plank, you just need a mat in your room, office cabin, garden or any other place you feel comfortable! It involves placing your elbows on the mat and then extending your legs. It would be best if you are able to balance with the help of your elbows and your toes simultaneously. In the beginning, it may be daunting for you but do not worry! You will be able to hold this pose for 30 seconds easily. Make sure that your lower back does not droop or pick up too much. Remember, balance is key!
3. Burpees
Burpees is an exercise for reducing belly fat at home that truly works wonders for people with stubborn abdomen fat. Before performing this exercise to reduce belly fat, it is suggested to find an open space in your room, terrace or patio because your body will need sufficient area. Once you are standing in a comfortable position, it is time to get started! The first step is to bend down and keep your hands on the floor. Then, you come down to a push-up position and move your chest to the ground. The final step is to pull your body back to the first position by jumping up. You can start with 30 reps and then keep increasing them eventually. While this sounds like a challenging exercise, it is one of the best ways to reduce belly fat.
4. Crunches
As far as top-rated exercises for reducing belly fat at home are concerned, crunches are a crowd favourite. This is simply because this exercise is effective and generally does not require external help or assistance. The only thing that you need for it is a floor or yoga mat to lie down on. The first step is to prop yourself on a mat on the floor and bend your knees completely. Once you are in a flat position, it is time to move your abdomen muscles with might! In other words, you need to push your torso towards your knees in this position. While doing so, It is best to keep your arms on the side or behind your head. It may seem like a big task in the beginning but it is worth it. If you start with 30 crunches a day, you will be able to do multiple reps in no time.
5. Squat to a Chair
The next exercise on the list is “Squat to a chair.” Yes, you read it right. Slowly lower your body on a chair while bending your knees. It is suggested to hold the position for a few seconds before standing back up again. It would be a little difficult in the initial period but once your core body strength is regained, try to only hover on the chair without actually sitting down. This is one of the best exercises for making your core stronger and reducing your belly fat as it provides stability in the knees.
5 Ways to Improve Your Diet for a Fit Belly
We all know that the best way to lose belly fat is to focus on our eating habits. But how many of us really do that? If you are a serial dieter, then you would know how difficult it can be to find the best diet to lose weight around your belly. Here are some ways to improve your diet and get that flat stomach you have been dreaming about:
Reduce Carbs
If you check out weight loss and belly fat reduction tips online, this is the first thing that will pop up on your screen. This is because it is one of the most effective ways to flatten your belly. Your meals should be planned in such a manner that the intake of carbohydrates is in a balanced way. It is highly recommended to consult a professional to manage your macros and portion control. This will ensure that you get sufficient carbs for energy production without risking overconsumption.
Increase Your Fiber Intake
Fibre is your best friend to lose belly fat in ways that you cannot even imagine. The more you consume fibre-rich foods like oats, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, the faster you will be able to make your belly flat. Your gut will love you for it too! Fibrous foods ensure that your colon is able to remove toxins and unwanted materials from your body in a smooth manner. Thus, it is highly recommended to keep your fibre intake high on a daily basis.
Protein Is Necessary
Fish, eggs, chicken, paneer, milk, lentils, and soya-based foods are the best sources of lean protein that you should consume every day. This is mainly because you will be able to feel “fuller” and satiated by eating protein-rich dishes without increasing your calorie intake.
Have Smaller Meals
It is a widely known fact that your metabolism tends to improve if you have small meals at regular intervals of time throughout the day. From having a portion of fruits after your protein-rich breakfast to munching on some nuts, every meal counts!
Track Your Diet
Nowadays, there are a number of ways in which you can keep yourself on track. The best way to lose belly fat with a diet plan is to keep track of it. Make sure to note down your meals every single day so that you know how much calorie intake you managed to maintain. A few hiccups are alright! All of us are humans and making a few errors of judgement is completely normal. It would be best to learn from your mistakes and move forward with a positive attitude.
4 Tips for Reducing Belly Fat Quickly
Here’s a look at the top tips that can fasten the process of achieving a flat tummy:
Do Not Have a Lethargic Routine
One of the most rewarding tips for people who are interested in weight loss and reducing their belly fat is to avoid a lethargic daily routine at all costs. If you slouch on your bed all day long, the chances of your metabolism lowering will increase a lot. Walking for a couple of kilometres will help you stay active. Moreover, including yoga in your daily routine would also help in maintaining your health.
Connect With Fitness Enthusiasts
A lot of times, people get self-conscious about their belly fat. It even affects their self-esteem. Due to these emotions, their mental health may get disturbed leading to depression, anxiety, etc. We encourage you to interact with a strong community of fitness enthusiasts, be it online or offline. Not only will this boost your morale but it will also give you a lot of motivation to keep yourself healthy and fit.
Give Up Unhealthy Habits
For a long and healthy life, giving up unhealthy habits is imperative. For instance, you should not consume anything that contains tobacco in it. Restricting alcoholic beverages to a bare minimum can further help in keeping your liver in shape. If you follow these small but important health tips, your belly fat is bound to reduce. Following these tips hold equal importance as the exercises to reduce belly fat.
Pay Attention to Your Sleep
Having a proper sleeping schedule is as important as exercising or eating a healthy diet. This is because when you are sleeping for seven to eight hours, your body is in the process of healing and rejuvenating itself. As your body heals at night, you will be able to focus better on your fitness goals and achieve a flat belly sooner!
Now that you know some of the best ways to lose belly fat, it is time to gear up and make your fitness regime! There’s no better time than today to make your belly toned and in shape. Follow our actionable tips and say hello to a fitter you! You can also join cult.fit to take your fitness to a whole new level.